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Catty Bitches.. Who needs them!

respect the jealousWhy are there some people who insist on slamming other people because of their insecurities? Is it too complicated for them to step back and think.. Has this person ever done anything that would make me think they couldn’t be trusted? Have they screwed me over? Have they been a terrible friend? Have they ever said anything that might give you the impression they are interested in “your” partner or anyone else’?
Why? Why? Yes I know. You were fucked over before. Well you know what? We have all been fucked over before! We have all been cheated on at some point. We have all had our hearts broken? Some, not all, have even learned from it. Just because you haven’t is no reason to shoot others down. Take a look a the person. Do they seem desperate for someone? Do you see drool hanging on their lip whenever your “man” is around? Do you think your fuck buddy is such an amazing catch that you have to keep everyone you deem a threat away from him by atleast 300 feet? Cause you know how thatwhole connversation, ” how are you?” and ” I’m good”,can lead to let’s fuck. NO! YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE ISSUE and you are the one who is blowing it. Other rational people don’t see it from the same perspective. They are like, they must have done something to make you bad mouth them. They try to find out what it is since this feeds into some of their penthouse naughty little temptress/tempter stories they are hooked on. Instead, when asked you deflect. You have to because you have no valid reason for saying the things you said. Well you need to realize something. Partners come and go. Good friends are hard to find and at the end of the relationship (and it will end) who is there for you? It isn’t them. You are intentionally throwing a sister to the curb because you are so paranoid that you can’t help yourself.

If you are worried about them cheating, quit looking at others and look at him. Look at yourself. Where is it coming from? There is already enough catty bitches out there. We don’t need anymore, especially ones who have never shown any inkling of interest in your love. If you are checking their phone, there is a problem. If you have an issue anytime you see them speak more than 2 words to anyone else, you have a problem. If you feel the need to in anyway tell them how to live their life and who to be friends with, you have a problem! This will not make sense. At some point they will see that you are a tad overbearing and be out of there. The only person you will have to blame is yourself. If you are with someone who makes you feel that insecure then walk, no even better, run! That isn’t healthy. We all make mistakes but if we keep making the same mistakes the only person we can get mad at is ourselves. Is it because you are afraid to be alone? That’s bullshit. Then you need to learn to be alone. Do you not feel good enough for them? Well they are in a relationship with you so there must be something you have that they loves. It’s easy to stay in a bad relationship. It takes balls to leave. Where are your cahunas? What are you showing the others around you who look up to you? It’s a load of crap.

Mean-Girls-FILLER-1women support each other

Am I annoyed? Yes I am. I have seen this too many times and I stupidly believe that as we adults age we learn to know better. Wrong! These insecure peeps are making not only their partners lives hell but their own as well. Do you think any moderately stable person would want any part of this? Don’t you think if they did, if they had all this power you believe they do, don’t you think they would be with the seduction god? Just think..
Imagine you are meeting your partner at a party and when you walk in you see them talking to a someone with a pen and a piece of paper out. What is your impulse? To go and kick their ass? Or to calmly walk up, say hi, give them a kiss, and when they are done, take them aside, ask them about the crazy notions wondering around aimlessly in your head and concerned about, and actually believe them. If you do, you are in a good place.

A relationship should add to your life, make it easier, better, you happier. If it isn’t, its time to move on. There is no point. Assuming the worst means you are having some issues that you need to deal with. We need to build each other up. Not knock each other down. I’m not saying everyone is perfect, I’m just saying, wait, listen, decide with a clear head and if you can’t? Leave the relationship because you are not ready. You should never settle for less than you deserve.

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